Saturday, October 29, 2016

They're doing well

First of all let me congratulate those who did in IELTS recently and achieved more than band 8. Many students have sent me emails to thank me for the information I shared which were more helpful them to achieve a high band score.

I did what I can do for you. I tried to help you to find many references for IELTS. Many posts I shared with you for IELTS speaking component. And most students were able to achieve more than band 8 for IELTS speaking component. If they scored somewhat less in other some components, they were able to get a overall band score of 7 or more than 7.

As many students said me, the book I shared the link with you helped them more to achieve a high band score in speaking component. For your convenience I'll give you the link below to that book.

IELTS book

The guidance by the above book gave was helped them to achieve a really high band score and the sample topics were also really helped them. Many of the students said that they recommend the above book for their friends and they have already given the book as well.

Not only that book, they said that the videos I shared were more helpful and the Emma's lessons as well. And they specially mentioned that today's thoughts were really helpful them to be inspired within that time period. 

I will share with you some successful stories in the future blog posts so as to inspired you as well.

Share this post so as to reach your friends who really need to enhance their English knowledge.

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I wish you all the best!

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