Saturday, December 3, 2016

Free Kindle Books

Considering many requests from many students, there are few books available on Kindle for free. It's only for few days like one or two. And the most demanded IELTS speaking book is going to start a countdown deal on Kindle as well.

You can download these Kindle books for free and read them. It's a big chance for students who are willing to do their IELTS exams very soon.

101 Speaking Topics - Free on Kindle 03 rd of December 2016

100 Modern English Conversations - Free on Kindle 03 rd and 04 th of December 2016

IELTS Speaking - Countdown deal on Kindle from 04 th of December to 11 th of December 2016

Don't let this chance to go without taking any use of it. Be kind enough to let others know about this and let them have a maximum usage from this.

The time is very limited and share this as much as possible. If anybody need to buy these books they have to pay more than 10 dollars. So this is a big chance for everyone. You can buy some books for free and let your friends to get the use of it. 

All the best!   

Friday, December 2, 2016

Emma's Lesson 41

This lesson is about  English expressions about SLEEP. Let's look what Emma said about this lesson in her own words.

"I'm going to teach you about one of my favorite activities – sleep! I will teach you some of the most common expressions about sleep, such as 'toss and turn', 'hit the sack', 'get some shuteye', 'sleep in', and many more. You will learn how to talk about sleeping well and sleeping poorly".

In the description of the video she has given the transcript of the video. It will be very helpful you to understand the lesson very easily. You can find it in the below.


Hi, there. My name is Teacher Emma, and in today's lesson, I am going to teach you about sleep expressions. One of my favourite activities is sleeping, and so for me, these expressions are very important because I do so much sleeping. So I'm going to first teach you some expressions that have to do with when you get a good night's sleep and you're happy in the morning, I'm going to teach you some expressions for when you get a bad night's sleep and you wake up looking like this, and then I'm going to teach you some common expressions that just have to do with sleep in general.

So let's get started. The first expression I want to teach you is referring to a good sleep, and it's when you are "out like a light". Okay? This is when you go to bed, and [snaps], right away, you're asleep. It's very easy to fall asleep; you have no trouble falling asleep. As soon as you get into the bed, you fall asleep, that means you are "out like a light". So let me give you an example. After I exercise, after I go to the gym, I'm very tired. As soon as I get into my bed, I am out like a light Okay? Now, this expression, you need to say the whole thing. It's an expression that you need to use the whole thing for. Okay?

The next expression I want to teach you: "sleep like a log". I'm not the best artist, but this picture I've drawn. This is a log. So a log, if you can't really tell what this is, I guess it kind of looks like a battery, but actually this is part of a tree. So when you have a part of a tree, like you cut wood, you get something like this. This is what we call a log. So if you sleep like a log, it means you sleep like this. Nothing can wake you. You're so sleepy, you're fast asleep, nothing will wake you up. So it means you've had a good night sleep. Last night, I was so comfortable. I slept like a log. Okay?

The next expression I want to teach you: "sleep like a baby". So, "sleep like a baby" and "sleep like a log" have the exact same meaning. It means you have a great night sleep. You have no trouble sleeping. Your sleep is perfect. So, I sleep like a baby every night. It means I have a very peaceful sleep. This expression is kind of a little bit strange, though, because if you think about babies, I don't really think about them having great night sleeps. I usually think of babies crying all night long. But in this case, "sleep like a baby", it's a good thing.

Finally, the last good sleep expression I want to teach you is to "be a deep sleeper". If you are a deep sleeper, again, this means that you don't wake up during the night. You're very fast asleep. You're in a very deep sleep, which means you have a very good sleep. Okay? When we add... Okay. When we add "er" to a word, this means person. So if you are a good sleeper, "sleeper" is you, it means that you're able to sleep well.

All right, now let's look at some expressions that mean you've had a terrible sleep. So, again, bad sleep. The first one, very common: "I tossed and turned" all night. If you toss and turn, it means you keep moving during the night. Maybe you're sleeping like this, it's uncomfortable, then you sleep like this, then you sleep like this again. You're moving the whole night and you're not getting a good night sleep. So if you toss and turn all night, maybe you have a lot of stress, maybe you're thinking about work the next day, you can't sleep - you toss and turn all night. So it's another way to say you have a bad sleep.

Another expression: "I didn't sleep a wink". So this word right here means wink, okay? It's when you close your eye. "I didn't sleep a wink" means I did not sleep at all. So I have no sleep. Didn't sleep a wink means... Didn't sleep a wink-sorry-means no sleep.

The next expression is kind of opposite to "deep sleeper": "I'm a light sleeper". I'm a light sleeper, this means during the night, I don't have a good sleep; I wake up a lot. If I hear any noise, it wakes me up. So if my cat meows, I wake up. If the refrigerator starts making noise, I wake up. If somebody enters my house, I wake up. So, a light sleeper means you wake up very easily.

You can buy the great IELTS speaking books using following links. These are the best selling Amazon books these days. The students who used these books have enhanced their speaking ability amazingly and have achieved more than band 8 in IELTS for speaking component. If you wish to take your IELTS exam recently, don't waste your time. It's guaranteed that you can achieve a very high score like band 8 or more if you refer these books.

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I wish you all the best!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Emma's Lesson 40

This lesson is about IELTS Reading. Let's look what Emma said about this lesson in her own words.

"How to get a high score on the IELTS Reading. In this video, I am going to give you ten important tips that will help you succeed on the reading module of the IELTS".

In the description of the video she has given the transcript of the video. It will be very helpful you to understand the lesson very easily. You can find it in the below.


Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's video, we are going to talk about the reading module of the IELTS. I'm going to tell you some of my top IELTS reading tips. So let's get started.

During the reading module of the IELTS, there will be three passages that you read, and for each passage, there are a bunch of questions you have to answer. The first tip I have for you is: don't spend too much time reading the passages. What happens to a lot of students is they read word-for-word everything. They see a word they don't know, they keep trying to understand the meaning. You don't have to understand everything to understand the passage. If you don't know a word, that's fine.

The better thing to do than to slowly read is to use skills such as skimming which means you quickly read for the main idea or scanning, meaning you look for key words or you look for specific detail. A lot of students, what they do for the IELTS is they will actually read the questions first, and then they will read the passage. And that way, they... They know what they're looking for. You don't have to do this; it's one technique. Some students find this a lot easier, other students like to read the passage first and then answer the questions. I recommend trying both out. First do the reading, then the questions, then try to read the questions first and read the passage and see what you like better, what you're more comfortable doing.

So the key thing here is: don't read slowly. It's a timed test, you have three parts you have to get through, 40 questions; it's very important that you read quickly. You can start practicing reading quickly also. There are a number of resources out there where you can actually start practicing. And time yourself when you practice, make sure you're not going over time.

Number two, similar to number one, my tip is: don't spend too long on each question. Some of the questions are difficult-they're possible, you can do well on them-but some of them, you might be reading and you might think: "Oh, I don't know what the answer is," and you might look at it, and think, and try, and try, and try. Well, the problem is if you spend too much time on a question, there are 40 questions and the one hour limit for the test, it goes by very quickly. So you can spend too much time on each question. So what I recommend is read a question, try to figure out the answer. If you don't know it, you can put a star beside it and come back after. Don't spend too long on any question. You can also take a guess, move on, and come back later.

My third tip: spend less time on earlier questions. For the reading module, the... Like I said, there are three passages. The first passage is the easiest, then the second passage, and then the third question. If you spend all your time on the first passage, you're not going to have time to do the second and the third. And, like I said, the first one is easier. So a good idea is to spend less time on the first passage, maybe about 17 minutes, then the second passage maybe spend about 20 minutes, and the third passage maybe 23 minutes. You don't have to follow this exactly, but the main idea is spend less time on part one, more time on part three because part three is harder.

My fourth point is: make sure you have enough time to transfer your answers. They will have an answer sheet and you're supposed to write your answers on it. It's very important to leave yourself time to transfer your answers from your test paper to the answer sheet. A lot of students, they work through the booklet and then they realize there's no time to transfer their answers, so make sure you leave time for this.

You can buy the great IELTS speaking books using following links. These are the best selling Amazon books these days. The students who used these books have enhanced their speaking ability amazingly and have achieved more than band 8 in IELTS for speaking component. If you wish to take your IELTS exam recently, don't waste your time. It's guaranteed that you can achieve a very high score like band 8 or more if you refer these books.

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