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This lesson is about English expressions about SLEEP. Let's look what Emma said about this lesson in her own words.
"I'm going to teach you about one of my favorite activities – sleep! I will teach you some of the most common expressions about sleep, such as 'toss and turn', 'hit the sack', 'get some shuteye', 'sleep in', and many more. You will learn how to talk about sleeping well and sleeping poorly".
In the description of the video she has given the transcript of the video. It will be very helpful you to understand the lesson very easily. You can find it in the below.
Hi, there. My name is Teacher Emma, and in today's lesson, I am going to teach you about sleep expressions. One of my favourite activities is sleeping, and so for me, these expressions are very important because I do so much sleeping. So I'm going to first teach you some expressions that have to do with when you get a good night's sleep and you're happy in the morning, I'm going to teach you some expressions for when you get a bad night's sleep and you wake up looking like this, and then I'm going to teach you some common expressions that just have to do with sleep in general.
So let's get started. The first expression I want to teach you is referring to a good sleep, and it's when you are "out like a light". Okay? This is when you go to bed, and [snaps], right away, you're asleep. It's very easy to fall asleep; you have no trouble falling asleep. As soon as you get into the bed, you fall asleep, that means you are "out like a light". So let me give you an example. After I exercise, after I go to the gym, I'm very tired. As soon as I get into my bed, I am out like a light Okay? Now, this expression, you need to say the whole thing. It's an expression that you need to use the whole thing for. Okay?
The next expression I want to teach you: "sleep like a log". I'm not the best artist, but this picture I've drawn. This is a log. So a log, if you can't really tell what this is, I guess it kind of looks like a battery, but actually this is part of a tree. So when you have a part of a tree, like you cut wood, you get something like this. This is what we call a log. So if you sleep like a log, it means you sleep like this. Nothing can wake you. You're so sleepy, you're fast asleep, nothing will wake you up. So it means you've had a good night sleep. Last night, I was so comfortable. I slept like a log. Okay?
The next expression I want to teach you: "sleep like a baby". So, "sleep like a baby" and "sleep like a log" have the exact same meaning. It means you have a great night sleep. You have no trouble sleeping. Your sleep is perfect. So, I sleep like a baby every night. It means I have a very peaceful sleep. This expression is kind of a little bit strange, though, because if you think about babies, I don't really think about them having great night sleeps. I usually think of babies crying all night long. But in this case, "sleep like a baby", it's a good thing.
Finally, the last good sleep expression I want to teach you is to "be a deep sleeper". If you are a deep sleeper, again, this means that you don't wake up during the night. You're very fast asleep. You're in a very deep sleep, which means you have a very good sleep. Okay? When we add... Okay. When we add "er" to a word, this means person. So if you are a good sleeper, "sleeper" is you, it means that you're able to sleep well.
All right, now let's look at some expressions that mean you've had a terrible sleep. So, again, bad sleep. The first one, very common: "I tossed and turned" all night. If you toss and turn, it means you keep moving during the night. Maybe you're sleeping like this, it's uncomfortable, then you sleep like this, then you sleep like this again. You're moving the whole night and you're not getting a good night sleep. So if you toss and turn all night, maybe you have a lot of stress, maybe you're thinking about work the next day, you can't sleep - you toss and turn all night. So it's another way to say you have a bad sleep.
Another expression: "I didn't sleep a wink". So this word right here means wink, okay? It's when you close your eye. "I didn't sleep a wink" means I did not sleep at all. So I have no sleep. Didn't sleep a wink means... Didn't sleep a wink-sorry-means no sleep.
The next expression is kind of opposite to "deep sleeper": "I'm a light sleeper". I'm a light sleeper, this means during the night, I don't have a good sleep; I wake up a lot. If I hear any noise, it wakes me up. So if my cat meows, I wake up. If the refrigerator starts making noise, I wake up. If somebody enters my house, I wake up. So, a light sleeper means you wake up very easily.
You can buy the great IELTS speaking books using following links. These are the best selling Amazon books these days. The students who used these books have enhanced their speaking ability amazingly and have achieved more than band 8 in IELTS for speaking component. If you wish to take your IELTS exam recently, don't waste your time. It's guaranteed that you can achieve a very high score like band 8 or more if you refer these books.
This lesson is about IELTS Reading. Let's look what Emma said about this lesson in her own words.
"How to get a high score on the IELTS Reading. In this video, I am going to give you ten important tips that will help you succeed on the reading module of the IELTS".
In the description of the video she has given the transcript of the video. It will be very helpful you to understand the lesson very easily. You can find it in the below.
Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's video, we are going to talk about the reading module of the IELTS. I'm going to tell you some of my top IELTS reading tips. So let's get started.
During the reading module of the IELTS, there will be three passages that you read, and for each passage, there are a bunch of questions you have to answer. The first tip I have for you is: don't spend too much time reading the passages. What happens to a lot of students is they read word-for-word everything. They see a word they don't know, they keep trying to understand the meaning. You don't have to understand everything to understand the passage. If you don't know a word, that's fine.
The better thing to do than to slowly read is to use skills such as skimming which means you quickly read for the main idea or scanning, meaning you look for key words or you look for specific detail. A lot of students, what they do for the IELTS is they will actually read the questions first, and then they will read the passage. And that way, they... They know what they're looking for. You don't have to do this; it's one technique. Some students find this a lot easier, other students like to read the passage first and then answer the questions. I recommend trying both out. First do the reading, then the questions, then try to read the questions first and read the passage and see what you like better, what you're more comfortable doing.
So the key thing here is: don't read slowly. It's a timed test, you have three parts you have to get through, 40 questions; it's very important that you read quickly. You can start practicing reading quickly also. There are a number of resources out there where you can actually start practicing. And time yourself when you practice, make sure you're not going over time.
Number two, similar to number one, my tip is: don't spend too long on each question. Some of the questions are difficult-they're possible, you can do well on them-but some of them, you might be reading and you might think: "Oh, I don't know what the answer is," and you might look at it, and think, and try, and try, and try. Well, the problem is if you spend too much time on a question, there are 40 questions and the one hour limit for the test, it goes by very quickly. So you can spend too much time on each question. So what I recommend is read a question, try to figure out the answer. If you don't know it, you can put a star beside it and come back after. Don't spend too long on any question. You can also take a guess, move on, and come back later.
My third tip: spend less time on earlier questions. For the reading module, the... Like I said, there are three passages. The first passage is the easiest, then the second passage, and then the third question. If you spend all your time on the first passage, you're not going to have time to do the second and the third. And, like I said, the first one is easier. So a good idea is to spend less time on the first passage, maybe about 17 minutes, then the second passage maybe spend about 20 minutes, and the third passage maybe 23 minutes. You don't have to follow this exactly, but the main idea is spend less time on part one, more time on part three because part three is harder.
My fourth point is: make sure you have enough time to transfer your answers. They will have an answer sheet and you're supposed to write your answers on it. It's very important to leave yourself time to transfer your answers from your test paper to the answer sheet. A lot of students, they work through the booklet and then they realize there's no time to transfer their answers, so make sure you leave time for this.
You can buy the great IELTS speaking books using following links. These are the best selling Amazon books these days. The students who used these books have enhanced their speaking ability amazingly and have achieved more than band 8 in IELTS for speaking component. If you wish to take your IELTS exam recently, don't waste your time. It's guaranteed that you can achieve a very high score like band 8 or more if you refer these books.
This lesson is about saying words that end with -ION. Let's look what Emma said about this lesson in her own words.
"Words that end in '-tion' and '-sion' are some of the most common words in English -- words such as 'information', 'question', 'addition', 'nation', and so on. In this lesson, I will teach you the pronunciation rules for these types of words. Find out what pronunciation stress is, and and what part of the word we place stress on. This video will help you to improve your pronunciation of these common words".
In the description of the video she has given the transcript of the video. It will be very helpful you to understand the lesson very easily. You can find it in the below.
Hello. My name is Emma, and today, I'm going to teach you a little bit about pronunciation. I want you to guess what kind of pronunciation you're going to learn about today. Behind me, I have a bunch of different words. What do these words all have in common? What is the same about all of these words? Take a moment to look. Okay. If you noticed they all end in-ion, you'd be correct. Today, you're going to learn about how to correctly pronounce words with -ion in them. Okay?
So one way to improve your pronunciation is learning about stress. When I talk about stress, I don't mean, you know, "I'm stressed. I have a test." No. I mean stress is where you say something longer and louder. English is a stress language. We have a lot of words where part of it you say longer and louder; the other part you say shorter and quieter.
Now, a lot of pronunciation mistakes happen when students make incorrect stress patterns, when they don't stress words correctly. So today, I'm going to teach you how you put stress on -ion words. Okay? So let's look at of these words.
I want you to listen. What part do I say louder and longer? "Decision, decision." If you said "ci", you are correct. "Decision." Okay. What about the next one? "Information, information." Good. If you said "ma', correct. "Situation, situation." Okay. Hopefully, you said "ua". And again, sometimes it takes a while to get used to listening for this. So if you're making mistakes, don't worry about it. It takes some time to get used to listening for stress. "Question, question." Okay. So this part is a little bit louder and longer. "Education. Position, position." What part is louder and longer? Here. Okay? So we're almost finished with these words. "Nation, nation." Okay. If you said the stress is here, you're correct. Next one. "Condition, condition." Good. This is the part that is louder and longer. "Population, population." Okay. Hopefully, you said the "la", "population". And last but not least, "attention, attention." Okay. This is the part I said louder and longer.
So what do you notice? Where is the stress on all of these words? What section is it? Is it at the very beginning of the word? No. It's actually on the syllable right before -ion. Okay. So for example, -cation, -ition, question, -ation, -mation. So what you will notice is when we have -ion words, it doesn't matter if they're -sion, -tion -- any -ion word, we put the stress on the syllable right before the -tion. Okay? So I want you to pause the video and try to say these words placing stress on the parts that I put a red line over. Okay?
Okay. So once you've finished practicing the pronunciation of these words, let's do a couple of sentences together to make sure you really have the pronunciation correct.
So I have a very, very long sentence here. Okay? And the sentence -- the meaning is not important. This is only for pronunciation. My sentence is, "The education of the population is a decision that needs attention." Okay? So it's a very long sentence, but you'll notice a lot of -ions. So again, repeat after me. "The education of the population is a decision that needs attention." Okay? So I'll say this quickly now. "The education of the population is a decision that needs attention." All right? Say it one more time just to see if you got it. Wonderful. Excellent.
Okay. So now, let's do the second sentence. The second sentence is, "The information on my condition results in more questions on my situation." Again, the meaning of this sentence does not matter. Let's practice the pronunciation of it. Okay. So tell me; where does the stress go? Is it here, here, here, or here? If you said here, you are correct. So let's say this. "The information on my condition results in more questions on my situation." All right. Let's say this together. "The information on my condition results in more questions on my situation." Now, I want you to try this one time quickly. All right. Let's see how quick you can do it. I'll say it my fastest. "The information on my condition results in more questions on my situation." Okay.
So again, there are thousands of words that end in -ion. Very, very common in English. And if you notice people -- when you speak -- are, like, "What? I don't understand you", it might be because of your pronunciation, and it might be because you're not putting stress on the proper syllables.
You can buy the great IELTS speaking books using following links. These are the best selling Amazon books these days. The students who used these books have enhanced their speaking ability amazingly and have achieved more than band 8 in IELTS for speaking component. If you wish to take your IELTS exam recently, don't waste your time. It's guaranteed that you can achieve a very high score like band 8 or more if you refer these books.
This lesson is about succeeding on IELTS Reading. Let's look what Emma said about this lesson in her own words.
"Taking the IELTS? Get a better score by watching this simple lesson on the IELTS reading section. I'll give you my best advice on how to succeed on your reading test, based on years of helping students to pass the IELTS exam. Whether you are just starting to study or you have an exam scheduled tomorrow, these tips will help you to get a higher mark! Take the quiz to continue preparing".
In the description of the video she has given the transcript of the video. It will be very helpful you to understand the lesson very easily. You can find it in the below.
Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's lesson, I am going to teach you some very good tips on how to succeed on the reading module of the IELTS. So this video is for anyone who is taking the IELTS. This video will really help you learn about some of the question types and how to do well on them. So let's get started.
My very first tip is very important. When you're practicing doing the IELTS, when you're preparing for the IELTS, one way to prepare is to start learning synonyms. Now, what's a "synonym"? A "synonym" is a copy of another word where the meanings are the same, but the words are different. So an example: "intelligent" and "smart". These are synonyms. They have the same meaning, but they're different words.
Now, why should you learn different synonyms for the IELTS? Well, one very good reason is oftentimes, on the IELTS you will have a text or a reading passage, and then, after that you will have a bunch of questions. Now, sometimes, in the questions, you need to look for certain information in the reading passage. So you read a question, and you need to find the answer in the reading passage. Now, one way to do this is looking at keywords. You might see a keyword in the question. And you're looking for that same word in the reading passage. But they often don't use the same words in the question and the reading passage. Oftentimes, they will use synonyms. So for example, maybe in the question the keyword is "intelligent". In the reading passage, the word that you'll actually need to find is "smart". So by knowing synonyms, you'll be able to do the questions a lot faster, and you'll be able to find information faster. And on the IELTS, time is very important, so you want to be able to do things very quickly.
My second point has to do with a lot of the question types, especially the "not given" question types. There's a question type called "True, False, or Not Given". There's also one called "Yes, No, Not Given". This point is for those.
Oftentimes, you need to pay close attention to negative words on the IELTS. So for example "never", "rarely", "hardly", "seldom". Depending on what the question is, sometimes, if it's a true or false question, it's very important to look for these words. This is one of the tricks you might find on the IELTS -- well, it's not exactly a trick, but sometimes, you might put down "true", but the answer is actually false because of these negative words. So key point: Notice and pay attention to these types of words in both the "True, False, and Not Given", and the "Yes, No, Not Given".
Point No. 3: Similar to point No. 2, it's very important to pay attention to frequency words, especially in the same part, and the "True, False, Not Given". You might see "always", "often", "sometimes", "never". Why is this important? Well, if you see something that says, "Sometimes the Pharaoh of Egypt -- or the Pharaohs of Egypt were buried in tombs", but the actual answer is true or false, and it says, "Pharaohs were always buried in tombs", you might get confused. You might put down the wrong answer. So it's very important to pay attention to "always", "often", "sometimes", "never" in true or false questions.
Point No. 4: This is probably one of my favorite points. During tests -- this happens to all students -- they will pick on answer; and then, they'll think about it; and they'll see another answer; and they'll want to change their answer; and they don't remember -- they don't know, "Which one should I pick?" It's good to go with your first instinct. So if you're doing multiple choice, and right off the bat you think, "Okay, the answer is A"; and then you look, and you think, "Okay, well, maybe the answer is C -- if both of them seem like good possibilities, and you don't know, choose the one you thought of first. Okay? Go with your gut feeling. Go with your instinct.
You can buy the great IELTS speaking books using following links. These are the best selling Amazon books these days. The students who used these books have enhanced their speaking ability amazingly and have achieved more than band 8 in IELTS for speaking component. If you wish to take your IELTS exam recently, don't waste your time. It's guaranteed that you can achieve a very high score like band 8 or more if you refer these books.
This lesson is about Improving Your Writing. Let's look what Emma said about this lesson in her own words.
"One of the most common types of essays you will have to write at university as well as on the IELTS or TOEFL is a comparison essay. In this lesson, I will teach you some useful words that will help you to compare things. By the end of this video, you will be able to use terms such as "alike", "similar", "in the same way", "likewise", and more".
In the description of the video she has given the transcript of the video. It will be very helpful you to understand the lesson very easily. You can find it in the below.
Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's video, I am going to teach you some key words you can use when you talk about how things are the same or similar. Okay? So when you compare two things -- when you're comparing apples and oranges, there are some similarities. They're both fruits. When you're comparing shopping to skiing, when you're comparing a city to a country or the countryside -- there is a certain language we like to use when we're saying how these things are similar or the same. In this video, I'm going to teach you a bunch of expressions you can use when comparing two things to show their similarities. Okay? So this video is called "Talking about similarities".
So for this video, I decided I wanted to do a theme. I wanted to look at how Canada and England are similar. In what ways are they very much alike? Okay? So each of my sentences are going to have to do with Canada and England, and we're going to look at how they're alike using these comparison words.
So for those of you watching, if you are doing the TOEFL, these words are essential. If you are doing the IELTS -- very important vocabulary here. General English, you can use these at university for essays, college, or even just general conversation. So let's get started.
Okay. So how are Canada and England the same? Well, I would say, first of all, both Canada and England have a queen. Both Canada and England have Queen Elizabeth. So one word we often use when we're talking about similarities is this word, "both". Both Canada and England have a queen. Both Canada and England have trees. Both Canada and England have cities. Okay? So there are a lot of different things you can compare. This is just one of them.
Now, I want to say why I wrote the word "beginning" here. "Both" often comes at the beginning of a sentence. And notice how the construction is. We have both A and B. Another example, "Both cats and dogs are animals." "Both hamsters and mice are rodents." Okay? So we use this a lot when we're comparing.
We can also say "like". In this case, we're not saying, "I like Canada" or "I like" -- you know, showing preference -- we're again showing similarity. "Like Canada, England has many immigrants." Canada has many immigrants. England has many immigrants. "Like Canada, England has many immigrants." And again, you'll notice "like" is at the beginning of the sentence. It's often -- not always, but often -- at the beginning. We have it followed by a noun. I could change this to something else. Imagine if I wanted to compare cats and dogs. "Like cats, dogs have fur." Okay? I could say that. If I'm comparing men and women, "Like women, men are human." Okay? It's not the greatest of comparisons, but you can use these types of words when you're comparing. Okay?
So now, I have some other things I want to compare. In England, they speak English. In Canada, we also speak English. Not everybody, but many Canadians speak English. Some speak French, but a lot of people speak English. So I'm going to teach you some words you can use when comparing these two sentences. "In England, they speak English. Similarly, in Canada many people speak English, too. In comparison, in Canada many people also speak English. In the same way, in Canada many people speak English." And finally, another way similar to this but slightly different, "Likewise, in Canada many people speak English."
So these are a little bit different from these ones. They all mean how they are the same. But you'll notice one of the differences here is these are followed by a comma. "Likewise, comma." And then, we have the rest of the sentence. These go at the beginning of the sentence. Okay? In case you can't tell, this is a period. So we have our first sentence, "In England, they speak English. Similarly, in Canada many people speak English." Okay? So you can use these in your writing. They would really, really help on your TOEFL, IELTS, or university essays to help you get a better mark.
You can buy the great IELTS speaking books using following links. These are the best selling Amazon books these days. The students who used these books have enhanced their speaking ability amazingly and have achieved more than band 8 in IELTS for speaking component. If you wish to take your IELTS exam recently, don't waste your time. It's guaranteed that you can achieve a very high score like band 8 or more if you refer these books.
This lesson is about Power Poses for Exam & Interview Success. Let's look what Emma said about this lesson in her own words.
"Want to know how to do well on tests and interviews? In this video, I will give you a simple but powerful tip that will improve your speaking. You will learn about power poses, a technique that is proven to work. Use these power poses quickly before and exam or interview, or any time you need to speak confidently in front of people!"
In the description of the video she has given the transcript of the video. It will be very helpful you to understand the lesson very easily. You can find it in the below.
Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's video, I am going to teach you a very, very important secret. This secret is going to help you on your tests, such as TOEFL, IELTS, or university, college; any English test. This secret is going to help you if you have an English job interview. And this secret will also help you if you ever decide to ask out that special someone.
So, what is this secret I'm telling you about? Well, it is the secret of power pose. Okay. So, first of all, what am I talking about? What is a power pose? Well, for starters, let's look at the word "power". I've drawn this man here, and if you can tell, he has a lot of big muscles, he looks very strong. Power is similar to strength. It's when you're very confident, when you're strong and you feel strong.
Then we have our second word: "pose". A pose is where you hold a position, and you stand still doing something. So, for example, this is a pose. Okay? These are poses. So, why are we learning about power poses today? Well, a lot of the times, ESL students, students learning English, their English level goes down because they don't have confidence. When they feel nervous, when they feel scared, their language level goes from here, downward. This usually happens in tests, and the reason is because... Because of fear and lack of confidence.
So, how do we stop this from happening? How do we make ourselves feel confident so we'll do well on that test? Well, one way is by doing a power pose. Your body language, the way you stand, the way you stand impacts how you feel, and it impacts how you will do on your test.
I'm going to show you what I mean. Okay? Imagine I am a student and I am going to do my TOEFL test. I go over to weak pose. Now, imagine before my test, I'm waiting to do it and I'm sitting like this. I'm going to start feeling nervous, and a lot of it has to do with the way I'm sitting. Notice I'm crouched over, my arms are folded, I'm looking downward. Okay? Even doing this right now, I'm starting to feel a little bit nervous. This is called a weak pose, and if you do something like this, your arms are crossed and you're going small. It makes you less confident.
Whereas, if I go to do my TOEFL and I do a power pose, I'm going to be more confident. What are power poses? They're poses where you try to be as big as possible. See how more...? Much more confident I look now? Okay? So, notice my arms are taking up a lot of space. I could go like this, I could go like this. The more space you take up, the more confident you will feel.
Now, I'm not telling you that in the middle of an exam or a job interview you should stand up and start flexing your muscles. No. What I'm saying is before your test, before your job interview, before taking the IELTS or TOEFL, go to the bathroom. You have time before the test, stand in front of a mirror, do these poses. They will make you sound more confident, and they will make you feel more confident as you write your test.
While you're doing speaking, whether it's at a bar or whether, you know, in front of a computer for TOEFL, or talking to an IELTS examiner, make sure you're not seated in a weak position like this. Okay? If you're answering like this, your answers are not going to be as good as they can be. You're going to be nervous, and as a result, you will not do as well on your test.
So, my main, main focus here: be aware of your body language. By doing a power pose before a test, you will do a lot better than if you just go to your test and sit like this. Now, some of you might not believe what I'm saying. "Oh, Emma, this sounds wonderful, but I don't know if it's true or not." Well, if you are interested in looking at the research about this, you can Google Amy Cuddy. She's a very famous psychologist who has studied body language, and she has a lot of documentaries and videos, such as TED Talks about this. Okay?
So, what is the point, again, what is the main idea of power pose? Before your test, do power poses. Okay? So, until next time, take care and I hope to see you later.
You can buy the great IELTS speaking books using following links. These are the best selling Amazon books these days. The students who used these books have enhanced their speaking ability amazingly and have achieved more than band 8 in IELTS for speaking component. If you wish to take your IELTS exam recently, don't waste your time. It's guaranteed that you can achieve a very high score like band 8 or more if you refer these books.
This lesson is about Learning Slang. Let's look what Emma said about this lesson in her own words.
""Shit" is a very common and useful word in the English language. In this fun slang lesson, you will learn some of the most common "shit" expressions that are often heard in movies, on TV shows, and in day-to-day life. Native speakers use the word "shit" in a variety of situations. Do you know what it means to be in "deep shit"? Have you been "up shit creek"?"
In the description of the video she has given the transcript of the video. It will be very helpful you to understand the lesson very easily. You can find it in the below.
Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's lesson, I am going to teach you some expressions that might not be the most polite, but that are very, very useful and common, actually. These expressions all have to do with the word "shit". As you may know, "shit" in English is considered a bad word or a swear word. Even though it's considered this, many, many people use the word "shit" in many different ways. "Shit" is actually one of the most useful expressions, because you can use it when you're angry, when you're happy, to describe your house, to describe your car. There are so many different ways we use the word "shit".
So, this video is actually called #2, and the reason why it's called: "Talking More Shit: #2" is because I've made a previous video with a lot of other "shit" expressions, and I just found there were so many in English, I wanted to add more to your vocabulary. Just as an aside, just a side note, "number two" is actually another way we say "shit". It's actually a synonym of this. Okay? So, if you ever hear anyone talk about taking a number two, it actually means they're taking a shit. Okay? So let's get started and learn some more shitty expressions.
So, the first expression I want to teach you with the word "shit"... And I'm sure I'm going to say the word "shit" a lot in this video, so just keep that in mind. The first expression I want to teach you is: "Scared shitless". Okay? So "scared shitless" means you are very, very scared of something. Okay? So it means you're terrified, you're so scared. An example of this is if you saw a ghost. Okay? "When I saw the ghost, I was scared shitless. I couldn't move. I was scared shitless." Have you ever seen a scary movie that has scared you shitless? For me, I guess it was the movie The Exorcist. That scared me shitless. Okay. So, very scared.
We have another expression with the word "shit". "To be in deep shit", "to be in deep shit". So, if you are in deep shit, it means you are in trouble. Okay? If you are in shit, deep shit means you're in a lot of trouble. So let's look at an example. "I lost $10,000"-okay, imagine this-"at the casino." So I spent all my money, $10,000 at the casino. Now I have a lot of problems. "I'm in deep shit." It means I have a lot of problems. I have big trouble. Okay? Deep shit.
Another expression, very common expression actually, is: "shitload". And you can talk about a shitload of something. "A shitload" means you have a lot. Okay? If I have a shitload of friends, it means I have a lot of friends. If I have a shitload of books, it means I have many, many books. Okay? Toronto has a shitload of people. Okay? I would never use these expressions maybe in front of my teacher; these are expressions I would use with my friends. And so, I might say: "Oh, yeah, Toronto has a shitload of people. It has a shitload of restaurants." Okay. It means it has a lot. So, here's an example with me: "I have a shitload of DVDs." I have a lot of DVDs.
Our next expression is probably one of my favourites on this list. "When shit hits the fan", okay. So: "Shit hit the fan". What does this mean? When shit hits the fan, it means all these dramatic, crazy, insane things are happening. Okay? So, imagine this, imagine I went to work and at my work maybe five people, they don't like their jobs, so they quit. So now maybe it's just me and my boss. Okay? And then maybe my boss has a terrible day, maybe, you know, there's a lot of trouble at my company, there's a lot of problems. When my boss gets really angry, I can say: "Shit hit the fan." When the situation becomes at its most insane, its most crazy, we say: "Shit hit the fan." Okay? So let's look at an example of this. "Shit hit the fan when Ken came to work drunk." So, when Ken came to work drunk, the situation became very dramatic. Shit hit the fan. It became very dramatic. Okay? If you have two people who are married, and unfortunately, maybe one of the people has a secret girlfriend or boyfriend. When the person finds out about the secret boyfriend or girlfriend, that person's going to be very angry. Shit will hit the fan. The situation will become very dramatic. Okay?
So, let's look at some more shitty expressions. So our next expression is: "shits", and that's right, "shit" has an "s" here, just be aware of that. "Shits and giggles".
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This lesson is about Spelling Mistakes. Let's look what Emma said about this lesson in her own words.
"Don't make these common spelling mistakes! Students often lose marks for spelling words incorrectly in the reading, writing, and listening modules of the IELTS. However, you can easily avoid making these mistakes with a bit of practice. In this lesson, you will learn eleven of the most common spelling mistakes students make on the IELTS and how to avoid them. After this class, you can practice spelling these words by taking the quiz so you will be ready on test day".
In the description of the video she has given the transcript of the video. It will be very helpful you to understand the lesson very easily. You can find it in the below.
Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's lesson, we are going to talk about IELTS: Common Spelling Errors. Okay? Common spelling mistakes students make.
Now, a lot of students don't realize how important spelling is on the IELTS. It's a big problem because many times, the students will have the right answer, but they will spell it wrong, and then, they'll lose a mark. So it's very important to practice spelling before you do the IELTS.
In today's video, we're going to look at ten common words that students make mistakes with. Okay? So first, I'm going to I show you the words, and I'm going to explain to you some mistakes students make. And then, we'll have a practice test. Okay? So let's get started.
The first word that many students make a mistake on when they spell it: different. Okay? So notice, first off, there are two Fs. Sometimes, students only use one F. Another mistake, this E. I've seen students spell it-rant, but it's an E, okay? Actually, there's one more mistake I see. Sometimes, students mix up "different" and "difference", with -ence. They make a mistake between these two. They spell "different" "difference". They are two different words.
The next words that students commonly make a mistake with spelling is "society". Usually, in the second part of the writing test on the IELTS, you often write about society. What students often do is they can't remember if it's -cei or -cie. It's -cie. This is a mistake to keep an eye out for.
No. 3: their. Again, students make the -ei/-ie mistake. They often want to write t-h-i-e-r when it's t-h-e-i-r. Sometimes, students also mix up which "their" it is. There are three "theirs": t-h-e-r-e, like "'there' is three 'theirs'"; there's "they're", t-h-e-y-'-r-e; and then, there's this one, "their phone, their box, their cat." So make sure you use the right "their", and also make sure you write -ei instead of -ie.
No. 4: believe. A lot of the times in these essays we write, "I believe it's better to live in a city than a town. I believe education is very important." The mistake students make, again, -ei/-ie. So notice this one was -ie, -ei, back to -ie, "believe".
No. 5: definitely. Students often use this word in the IELTS. And they often forget this little E. So make sure you don't forget that E if you use "definitely".
No. 6: government. Many students forget this N because when you say the word "government", the N you don't really hear. So as a result, a lot of students forget that. They also sometimes write -mant when it is -ment.
No. 7: Another similar spelling mistake is with "environment". We often write about the environment on the IELTS, in the essay section. Students forget this N, and sometimes they write an A here. So be careful.
No. 8: which. Which witch is which? Sometimes students might spell w-i-t-c-h, which is pronounced the same, but has a different meaning, okay? So it's very important to also notice the -ch. Sometimes, students might write it -sh. So be careful with "which".
No. 9: percentage. In the first writing task of the IELTS, you often talk about percentages. Students often make that an E when it should be an A.
Finally, No. 10: nowadays. I think this is the most common mistake I see out of all of these. Students always forget the S. They always write "nowaday". But it should be "nowadays" with an S. Sometimes, they also forget this A also.
So what I want you to do now -- look at these words. Remember them in your head, okay? "Different. How do I spell 'different'? Society, their, believe, definitely, government, environment, which, percentage, and nowadays." Are there any of these words that you think you're going to make a mistake with? Try to remember how to spell these because now, we're going to do a practice is spelling test. So get out a pen and paper, and prepare yourself. Take a breath. We are going to spell.
Okay. I actually thought of another very good word that you should be able to spell on the IELTS. The word is "until", u-n-t-i-l. Very important word. Many times, I have seen students forget or -- not forget, sorry. They add an extra L. So there is only one L in "until", but many times, students will write two L's, which is no good. Okay. So this -- no. Just one L on "until". So are we ready to spell now? You got your paper and pen ready? All right. Great.
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