Saturday, December 3, 2016

Free Kindle Books

Considering many requests from many students, there are few books available on Kindle for free. It's only for few days like one or two. And the most demanded IELTS speaking book is going to start a countdown deal on Kindle as well.

You can download these Kindle books for free and read them. It's a big chance for students who are willing to do their IELTS exams very soon.

101 Speaking Topics - Free on Kindle 03 rd of December 2016

100 Modern English Conversations - Free on Kindle 03 rd and 04 th of December 2016

IELTS Speaking - Countdown deal on Kindle from 04 th of December to 11 th of December 2016

Don't let this chance to go without taking any use of it. Be kind enough to let others know about this and let them have a maximum usage from this.

The time is very limited and share this as much as possible. If anybody need to buy these books they have to pay more than 10 dollars. So this is a big chance for everyone. You can buy some books for free and let your friends to get the use of it. 

All the best!